Although women rights improved in some Muslim countries, they still doesn’t enjoy the full freedom as for equal citizens deserve. It is still governmental disagreement for them to let them marry foreigner of other faith. Completely unlikely to Muslim men who have no limitation on the way of choice spouse. They can marry European women of different faith without any objection of country or family. And pretty lot of them uses this privilege. It is estimate that 40 000 marrieges of interfaith with muslim men and Euro Women were made across Europe in recent decade. Also unformal relationship need keep on mind. Whilst relationship in opposite configuration are slender. It’s not because Euro men and muslim women doesn’t like each other. It is above all the envioremental pressure that surpress this possibilities. Above all restriction from governments they come from that de facto control women will. In fact it’s a attitude belong search in antiquity where women have no rights and were rather object of interest of males. Not otherwise. And collection of women was popular to gaining as many as possible. That is why Muslim men are allowed marry Christian woman. Not otherwise!. This trend survived to this day which express how much patriarchic and oldfashion those societies are. In fact it’s not coincidence that most of muslim countries are unwealthy. The way the treat non muslim determine the willingness of foreign capital to allocate their money not mention about distrust. In other to let increase those socites to growth both economically and socialy the reforms should be carried. In both spheres. And persecution in terms of faith or interfaith should be suspended. In this globalisation world it is accustomed that people from different faith and background meet each other. And the fact that some restrictions exists determine on the reputation on those countries. It is although possible for Christian men to marry muslim women in term of convert on Islam it is greatly unethical. Even of some men are forced to do so in the name of ‘love’ their covert is dishonest. And some of them are in tact against their will and conscience. As may be devote Christian. This regulation completely not entitle to women of other faith as they remain their origin status. This simply express the relation of Muslims to Europeans which contribute to unfavourable character to both.

Personally this affected inclouding me. I met lovely girl, who seemed be liberal even westernized. But as long the relation went forward she started press for convertion. And although the government in theory allow her to marry interfaith the parental pressure seemed be too strong. This also has to be carried improvements. As the women should be feel free to perform authonomic decisions as it happens on fully developed countries.

Personally advisros discourgage to post this publish. But I believe that honest statement gives transparency and allow to reflections.
