One thing the Porn has done good is that it killed Feminism. Women have learned that better is to be femine not feminist and play the boy with her attraction. Women become again materialists. And although they doesn’t play at porn neither prostitute themselves they have become oriented on the men who might ‘’satisfy’’ their materialist needs either be with those with whom can have comfort life. That often is referred to older man by 15 years or more, thus breaking the barrier age previously abided. Jordan Peterson, a famous social commentor professor university of Toronto, says that women prefer men with a money. This proven their nature as the beta partners, and declassify Feminist ideology of rightfulness women emancipation. In fact this trend withdraw from newest women generations, which notable is America. The Tiki Tok where young women parade with their beauty confirms their thesis. Furthermore women loves being admiring which best is shown on any social media, with Facebook particularly. The newest cosmetics makes them even prettier. This all turning harmful trend upside down. Of course there is negative aspects of this. Women become excessive vanity over their beauties and they are searching partners who may gives her more instead for love. Of course not every man is wealth and what’s importantly Polygamy is forbidden for them. Thus women have to with the rest less succesful men. Although that aspiration lies to most women.

Feminist have fought for equal salaries. Now they are complain that cannot found the men who earns more for them. Irony? or irrationalism.. The only way where men earns more is when women doesn’t work or work less. In any case women rectulance on finding partner impact on anyone. First less children are birth which will impact on future growth and retire pensions. Secondly more and more men lives in ”Sexual frustration!”, which turns them on favour for radicalist movements.
