Excessive exploitation resources, Pollution, increasing poverty and many more. They’re aspects of Uncontrolled growth population which by 50 years increased by 40%. It’s terrify data. Especially taking on account that it’s leads to hurt of our planet and making to worse live on it. Never before mother earth has to feed so big population. Agriculture we know have turned into industry, by which is the threat that soil some day will not be able to give the crop by shrinking minerals. Besides chemicals pour on it, which are kind of steroids poising her and us indirectly. The worse pollution taking place in water after industrial and human waste. Ending on contamination of the air we breathing all. Emission of CO2 drastically change the climate condition. It’s all have been done by two and half centuries. The resources which were creating on earth by millions of years, we consuming in just two- hundred years. These and more oversimplify factors are result of dramatically increased population. Please imagine that we would have to have seven earths to provide each man with the same amount of food which Americans have. And I believe in equality, so why they shouldn’t have eat to will. Because we don’t have seven Earths. Some countries from decades allowed to overdo population in their societies. India which once was habitual place, have turned in one of the biggest (sector) of poverty. The traditional model of big family turned against them, so they are suffer from modest supply of food and struggle with (unemployment). Similar to Egypt which in ancient times was biggest food provider in Mediterranean. Now they are food importer. And many other countries, whom fertility lands given false illusion of food security. But not only insufficient in food making life for worse as baby boom taking place in undeveloped countries or like other prefer to define developing. Small economy and too big population causing highly unemployed, personal development, exploitation and maltreatment of labour. It’s taking place in Africa. But, should be so. Do countries, governments and organizations  cannot react on it?. Look up on China. Once the fastest growing nation now facing with depopulation. It’s result of regardless authorital regime, we can see today. The one child policy helped to prevent uncontrolled rising population and risk of regime. Of course it wasn’t perfect and some defects are visible in it. However they accomplished the goal, which other countries should insert. But one child or none isn’t only domain of China. In western countries families abstain from having children from many aspect. Such as comfort or carrier. But rising cost of living and highly awareness in this societies also influenced in this decision. IN fact Europe is one of the most density populated countries in the world. So this push us to consideration. Maybe one child policy don’t bring comfort in developing countries but make the life more suitable.

So then how achieve it. Modern surgery enable the things which are blessing. Vasectomy allows to having pleasure of this things without worry of pregnancy. Should be insert for every man who already has one child.  And obligatory. Otherwise the misery and cry for help in the countries will be bigger and bigger. Vasectomy should be made for free from foundations of organization which UN should establish soon.
