Hydrogen power. It’s a well potent source of energy multiple time exceeding the abilities of other green powers, such as Water, wind, solar, geothermal. Unfortunatelly to obtain hydrogen or rather select’s it’s molecule is need a big Power, supposely exceeding efficiency nowdays. Perhaps in near future will find some one who invest easier and cheaper method to obtain the hydrogen. The power of the tommorow. Already now certain European countries expirement in usage hydrogen fuel. Poland is one of them. Be honest Poland lays in disadventageus location, where the Sun either wind acces are limited by atmosferic or calendar matters. Just like many other countries in the area. And the population of Poland is big. The Germany twice as much. Thus the threat is lose ability to independent energy supply. The more for decarbonize declaration and risin prize of fussil power. That’s why energy from Hydrogen is reliable for them. The resource is widely accesible. The smal ammount of water can provide tremendous power. Already now in one of European state the Bus producers are making vehicles powered by Hydrogen. Soon we might expect revolution in this field. However! as mention the obtain of Hydrogen is immerse expensive and hard. That’s why the man who will obtain easier and cheaper way, will be publicized for Scientist of the century.

However, so far we can obtain other cheap source of energy. I option for obtain an energy from atmosferic thunders. The power which emit and sound accompany it makes large impression. Perhaps might be it an alternative source of energy. Let’s look on the past. The thounders arouse huge impress and scare since Human existence. Indeedthey are dangerous. Sir Benjamin Franklin was the first man who testing electricity on the thunders. It must last almost a century before mr. Eddison invent bulb that brighten the dark. Now we are learning faster and getting more inventions. And the power from thunder seams sensible idea. Which is simple to say for me the humanist. The real job wil be have those who take anactivities to obtain it. And if I might advice is that to chose the location wher high number of thunders occures. It is Equator and some costal areas on oceans. The only problem is that this form of power is need to be accumulate in form of large battery. And they’re made from rare metal and mineral. By which it’s take to consideration whether the solar or thunder power have future for. Maybe will be find other way to accumulate the energy in common metals. Such as copper or iron. Anyway perhaps and for this the human find an answer. Having hope for, because it’s a need for us all.
