If a men would be formed by clay, no by nature, like Adam was made by God, the people would be lives in harmony, friendship and peace. But woman came to this world to destroy harmony and peace. And antagonism, egoism replaced them. (The rivalry for to be better, to have more females.. The first war were carried for women and cattle)
Marcin Franczak
Love is justify of lust. God punished men with obsession about sex, while women painful birth giving.. And because First Woman prompted First Man to Evil, God make women submissive for men. And through History Menkind women were known rather for being good mothers, good wives or bad wives and mistress. It is in Christian culture you may ask in medieval.. You are wrong since this model exist in any cultures.
So what we might take lesson from First woman on Earth.. be good to God so he not punish you like that or in worse form
Marcin Franczak
ImportantTerms to Acknowlegde
Femistotalrianism is an feminists ideology who concentrate on gender competition and the retaliation for oppressive patriarchal heritage. Principaly they are attempt to equalise gender. In radical form they oriented on competition with males and in ultimate stage declassified them. They are against anything which emphasise Manish authority. Including religion, mainstream politics, and even social order. Frequent appears controversy around their marches. Especially as happens profanity of religious attributes. The most provocative demands are fully liberty abortion which arouse storm throughout many societies.
Marcin Franczak
Femitarialism, is non oppressive Tyrany of weaker gender who mainly focus on submissive male society on favour or disfavour of females by taking advantages of beauty they are a armed in, sexual tension the men are easy to control. And the civil rights granted in pseudo Liberal societies.
Marcin Franczak