Jewelry models pulished below are a sample of Marcin Franczak artistic skills that he was developing in his mind for a long time. Surpirisngly lately he decided devoted his activities to develop his drawing sketches. Other activities ralate to book publishing, daily life and matrimonial failures procastrinated him to establish a new entreprice. Honestly he did not known that hidden talent is in him. He knows the sense of aesthetic, as well proportion and symetry. Even selection of color base on contrast and harmony.

Most of his sketches are base on ”Gigargios x” or ”six leg structure” or ”triple-line x”, that’s depent which of those three phrases want to call it.

He desined this symbol yet as a child. When he had legend related to battle of Tanenberg 1410 about linked sword in shape of x by Jungingen before that began. This inspired him to create own symbol in a shape ”triple line x”. Initialy that were fused swords, which symbolised unity of allies that founded kingdom of Gigargios.

Yes, that region had significant role in inspiration him to wrote a novel in 2013 onwards. He watch that as a observer without favourasing neither side. However as modernity proven the biggest enemy of them are themselves.

The design of models and models itself are protected copywright rights, book as well.

soon those models will be manofactured as a jewelry.
