In relation to previous post of Femitarialism

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I expand this topic and puts and examples that confirming my thesis. First As mention earlier Femitarialism is form of liberal order that privileges women over the man. Originally it serve to protect them as in 50’ts women indeed had fewer rights and were object of home violence. Also the universal conception that speaks that all human are equal have transformed the policy particulary US to provide women with equal rights. Which wasn’t simple as the society worldwide were patriarchic. So the US government along with several from other countries subsequently and graduetelly made strong gradification of women and established many campaigns that promote women independency and power.

Parallel to this events in 70 and 80 -ties the feminists movements have been formed. There are no question that ‘’women rights’’ increased decade by dacade. Until rich it’s full extent in the 80’ts. Unfortunately women equality on labour market didn’t end on that. Still were recognized as the ‘’weaker gender’’ according to law. By which in major cases women won any trial in court against men. This particularly relate to divorce solutions where visibly women were tend be favourable side. Which have cost a lot for divorce men. And in following time scared of men to engage. Unfortunately the privilege of women aren’t solely case. Also quality of western women character decrease subsequently. Women from early age being treated with high indolgence both in home and school whilst men were increasingly disregarded as a gender, Since when the world become less oriented on heavy labour duty perform just by them. In addition to this the new enemy arrive that completely brainwashed women. The social media.

Initially most people thinks about internet social media for something pure good. That help connect the people. Indeed it is useful. Over the time however proven have harmful side effects. Facebook and latter the Instagram, spontaneously start gradify women over the look. In time it has been more visible and more harmful. Women especially younger ones acquire the entitle disposition. In simplify their ego accelerate through this apps which have change their behaviour. Their have become entitle it is requesting. The enviorement as well those social app have fed in them privilege mindset. Young ladies with loving family that insert in their offspring basic values, might be recognize for exception from that scheme.  But today parents are not present in life of their children nowdays. Back to topic. The apps like Instagram tiki tok toxicate women in their egocentrism whilst men are in the blinding admiration toward them. The apps such Tinder emerge rise of so called ‘’sexual predators’’ whom are the thin number of best prosperous men who got attetntion of most female users. Because as you see the women start gratifying men over look even more strict then men do. Which is mentioned side effect of social apps. All of that contributed to accleleration polygamic behaviours at young adult women. Both through social apps and in real ground as well.  This examples are simplified and the best describing American society. Along with that the rise of single mothers like not seen from the time of world wars. Some of which don’t know real father their offaspring. Again protectionist governments came with help for them providing in social dotations and epressing heroism of young working single mothers instead putting dose of criticism. Indeed modern governments are unwillingly to criticise women for their decisions doesn’t matter how irresponsible are. The free love is social accepted and random outcomes like pregnancy are just side effect of them.

Women are privileged in many sphere of life. Inclouding on labour market. Some recent studies published that women are nowday more welcomed in office works, than males. Especially by male managers. The reasons are they are less complaining and simply cheaper. Unofficially because that’s enable unformal relationship with coworkers.

However some may suggest that it is outcome of increasingly risen the number of graduated women and in some countries their number exceed males. Indeed it is however because of risen unemployed of people after college degree many of men withdraw from higher education question the reason of that. Especially in US. Where the college cost dozens of thousands.

In all of this men seems invisible. Even disregarded. All of this happens because the governments of western countries are oriented on the world observation from women perspective. This extensively is high on US, UK, Sweden.

Whilst men are disregarded, or even useless in modern societies where jobs are carried by machines. That’s harmful statement but in many case adequate. Which is wrong because disregarded and needed men are the force that should be respected. The history doesn’t know well know revolutions and coups committed by women. Unless someone point on social changes in 60’ts and 70’ths. However that’s man is force and unite with other men similar to his disposition can change the order if is necessary.

Dose of this we could seen on January 6. When Trump followers stormed the capitol. Be sure that was minor event that just shows the accumulation of anger amongst males. Unfortunately pointed in wrong direction. As Trump isn’t the man who can improve their condition. Be sure he is not patriarchic lider. He value money over all and pretty women attract the money. In his lifetime career he proven be sexiest but not patriarchic man.

Above all it not about patriarchic attitude. Instead about equality and harmony among gender which nowday is hard to measure

Some liberal critics puts on model Patriarchic model of family  with working men and housewife. This model is outdated and privilege women on one more example. Indeed in past this model had a sense. But than the women carried house works with labour force. Which replaced regular work. In time when no machinas were to help.

Today is different. And inflation and rising cost of life asking for women to share work with men in marriages.

Beside women are ambitious and want work and making career in specific branch.

And some of them earns more than their partners.

All of this question for equal treatment both genders. Without harmony and mutual cooperation between men and women the society wont be health.

written and interpreted by Marcin Franczak. Likewise other contents this website
