Ilmagiri, the biggest city in Raunob province and it’s former capitol, have risen on to highlands near Marogog. The reason the locals situated it’s setlements and political centre on such unaccesable terrain was primarly for defence purpouse. As in pre-unification times this entity strugle with it’s neighbour. After unification the city was sequently enlarging itself, using building materials from local hills. The city produced and export decorative chandeliers and other home usage accesories. In II BC the city have lost it’s advantage when new built city Nigarioz slowly replaced Ilmagiri for city capitol, due it lied on more convenience steps and trade route.
Giblarg Capital
The Teuroug province capitol
Roneug, the city lies on westkreis of Derang province.
Trovog lies on nord-kreis of it’s Marogog province. Near Giblarg. Some thesis are that from there the Marogog started to expanding to southwards. Before unification occured.