Marcin absorbs the science from many fields. Lately he paid attentyion on the misteries of universe. It is above all doubst that Universe is the most unknow and undiscover yet by humans. And most likely will the sciene and knowlefge about cosmos will not be fully acquire as well master. However in this speculation fields Marcin starts deeply reflects about the universe, meaning of life and the sense of life.

Prior, Marcin starts interest about universe in early age. That’s science documents on N.G. attracted him to that. The beautiful and impressive graphic. And of course thrilling science about universe impact on his young mind. The mindblowing theories about blackholes, supernovas and pulsars were too much for any tninking person. And Marcin hardly absorb all of this incredible facts and speculations. In any case after aquaire this knowledge he came to conclusion ‘’NOTHING CAN SURPRISE HIM ANYMORE’’.

And it is so.
Neverthelles the the unsolved speculations about universe given the field to conclusions and unconfirmed theories. In time also Marcin start wonder and looking for answer in imagination. Be sure that the openmind is necessary to think about hippothesis of Universe function. It is guess fact now that the Universe haven’t 13 bilion years old. And it’s hypothesis about creation in big bang is unsure. This hippothesis are base on the fact that we can discover galaxies in the range of 13 bln. Light years from milky way. However it doesn’t meant that universe ends within this range. It doesn’t mean either that universe has 13 bln years. Universe can be elder either younger, which depend on point of view and arguments.
In any case the cosmos itself makes incredible impression which cannot describe in simple words. Also enable to reflection on human life, meaning of life and even purpose. It above all sure that waving in deep cosmic space gives sense of loneliness even at the hardest introverts. Which increase thesis of purpose creation human by GOD according to theological perception. In that vast emptiness and wasteland it bring blessing the life on Earth. Despite all it’s disadvantages and human imperfectionist in interaction with other humans. Which end of all causes that high sensitive individuals isolate itself from wrongful environment. Yes, indeed the life on earth is not paradise. By some might be recognize by mental hell. But the cosmos knows tru hell right in solar system neighbourhoods. Many planets are unhabitable. But at some reign so extremum temperatures that shocking. Yes the universe is full of dangers and only on earth is living oasis. But wasn’t this always. Geo sciecnce tells that earth many mass extinctions even after the death of dinosaurs. Yes, the forces of cosmos as well earth itself are powerful and unbeatable, capable to destroy life. Even nowdays we are endanger of another mass extinction. Yellowstone, minatoba, Etna, and other supervolcanos are waiting to erupt and create vulcanic winter. Also terrifying asteroids are similar threaten. That’s advantageous the humans knows about it, but still not sufficient so he could be able prevent them.
Even sun itself brings concern. The coronal mass eruption are as danger as coronavirus if not more and bring serious risk to the earth civilisation. As their eruption towards earth risks destruction of electric equipment. The first dated evidence of this is in 1859, the ‘’Carrington’’ effect which destroys electronic primitive equipment. Be sure in -present it brings to fatal consequences. The world base on computers. And they are endanger. It freaks Marcin. So it press necessity to him to print anything valuable that have made.
In recent time scientists reflects on what do happens with that mattery swallowed by monster black holes. They long time thought about it. There are two or more theories of that. One simplest says that the mattery is prisioned and stay all time. The other presented by mr.Novikov suggest that n the other side exist white hole which erupt gathered mattery. Which seems more reasonable. Finally in those thesis describe the possibilities of all collected data. Parelal to this information worth note are observations over the so call ‘’black mattery’’. It is estimate that the mass of ‘’black mattery’’ is so big that exceed the mattery of known universe. In any case remain mysterious and no one solve origin of it. In this field there are suggest some explonation. And be honest it just light hipotesis it may have sense. Maybe the mattery consumed by black hole is that ‘’black matter’’ that cannot touch?. It does mean that there is parellar universe. The universe B. And we are at Universe A. And we can suggest that universe be may be a hostile place. As the observation proves the ‘’black mattter’’ is heavier and more massive than universe A. It mean it may resemble universe A from it’s early stage. However the suggestion that universe be is creating by massive black holes is not enough. Although their big appetite the all black holes might not be as capable to swallow so big mattery which could constitute ‘’black matter’’. Or maybe did they would..
